about Planet Patrol Goals
With your help their data from this mission should help us find the closest Earth-size planets, ones that are close enough for us to characterize in depth and study their atmospheres. A few dozen TESS planet candidates have already been confirmed as real planets.Β
You will help find transiting exoplanet systems from TESS that confuse automated algorithms–the most informative and exotic planetary systems. Their goals are to visually inspect images corresponding to thousands of TESS planet candidates (as produced by planet-searching methods), and weed out those images that are contaminated by instrument and/or astrophysical artifacts.
Apologies: Facebook destroyed my work, because changed my pictures URL and for this reason I must to reparier a lot of DATA in my Citizen Science collection in the projects Planet Patrol and Planet Hunters.

SubjectΒ 38222494

October 4th 2020, 12:34 am
MAST list 16 TESS SPOC Photometer Optical 150101799Β View the discussion
Sleeper_Sci@Sleeper_SciIn reply toΒ ocalakathy‘sΒ comment
October 3rd 2020, 11:52 pm
choice isΒ #noneoftheabove, that’s just glitch etc. (very bright star nearby subject, a error measurement etc.), but you can to look at SIMBAD etc. for another data about this object.
For example EXOFOP> SIMBAD, MAST etc. archive
look at this FIELD GUIDE right on your screen

EXOFOP> SIMBAD, MAST etc. archive (left menu / sroll down)

Β View the discussionocalakathy@ocalakathyIn reply toΒ Sleeper_Sci‘sΒ comment
October 3rd 2020, 9:58 pm
Please help me to understand whatΒ #externalΒ is in this case.
47SLEEPER_SCIVerifed / Identifed [MAST, etc.]7SLEEPER_SCIGUIDE
SubjectΒ 49926961

October 14th 2020, 8:48 pm
#goodimageΒ View the discussionSleeper_Sci@Sleeper_SciIn reply toΒ Memelordkummer‘sΒ comment
October 9th 2020, 8:45 pm
#knownΒ planet
TOI 1821.01 TIC 82308728.01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 KP KP View History 1
Confirmed Known Planet NASA Exoplanet archive TESS Planet Patrol Subject 49926961_HD 97658 b
SIMBAD Confirmed Known Planet NASA Exoplanet archieve TESS Planet Patrol Subject 49926961_HD 97658 b
MAST list 2 Confirmed Known Planet NASA Exoplanet archieve TESS Planet Patrol Subject 49926961_HD 97658 b
October 14th 2020, 8:38 pm
#multipleΒ binnary
Nearby TIC Targets within 1 arcmin of TIC ID 32090583 8 targets
Observing Notes for TIC ID 32090583
#binarystarsyestemΒ + multiple x multiple planet possible / it means that could be strange to live there / and also it means a species with a interesting adaptation due to this system if there are
SIMBAD TESS Planet Patrol Subject 49924685 binnary multiple X
MAST list TESS Planet Patrol Subject 49924685 binnary multiple / fullzoom