🦠 Etch A Cell Science

Etch A Cell – VR‘Β  Β  Β 

Β is a collaboration between the Etch A Cell team at the Francis Crick Institute (London), the University of New South Wales (Sydney), the University of Queensland (Brisbane), Monash University (Melbourne) and the National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway.

They running ‘Etch A Cell – VR’ to analyse images of a cancer cell. With your help, this project will generate data that will be used to help improve understanding of cell biology. One of the approaches we will use to look at the data produced will be to create a virtual reality (VR) experience. In this experience it will be possible to β€˜walk around’ on the surface of the cell and then move inside to explore the inside of the cell, like you can see in this video:

Idea: This project can to help scientists to creating and to teaching a autonomous systems (AS), which they will able to doing a screening human body, any DATA etc. and in the future they will to have a responsibility for a screening, a delivery system and a cure in the human body. That means, how to teach any autonomous system for accurate targeting disease due to 3d visualisation for the autonomously screening and targeting cancer in human body.

Journey to the Centre of the Cell - 3DVAL
Mitochondria - A Quick Guide by Biology Dictionary
Mitochondria - Chalk Talk (simply science) by National Science Foundation
Play Video
Mitochondrial Genomics (2019), by Sara Calvo PhD, Primer on Medical and Population Genetics
